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Kandy City

The Kandy City Kingdom was the last stronghold of opposition to the British Empire. The kingdom was founded in a valley bordered by three mountain ranges and the longest river on the island. As a result of its geographical location, the city became a natural defense fortification.

Kandy City, the country’s second biggest city, is also known as Kanda Udarata, Maha Nuwara, and Senkadagala. The British derived the name Kandy City from Kanda Uda Rata. The sacred Temple of the Tooth Relic, the vibrantly joyous annual Kandy City Esala Perahera (historical Buddhist procession), and the stunning Royal Botanical Gardens draw visitors to the city. Kandy City, which has 486 ancient structures, is a UNESCO World Heritage city.

The city lies 460 meters above sea level, and the average temperature is 22 degrees Celsius.


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Nearby Attractions

The most popular nearby attraction

    • The Temple of the Tooth Relic
    • The Temple of the Tooth Relic is the most picturesque and venerated Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka, built in 1595. The architecture is of distinct Kandyan Architectural Style that immense the cultural value. The golden canopy over the main relic house draws attention from afar.
      The temple houses the sacred left canine tooth of Gautama Buddha.
      As a result, followers of the Buddhist faith from all over the world visit the temple.
      Distance: within the city limits

    • Peradeniya Botanical Gardens
    • This oldest formal botanical garden is one of the three botanical gardens established by the British in Sri Lanka in 1832. It still stands as one of the finest botanical gardens in the world. The Royal Botanical Gardens of Peradeniya is in “the top ten greatest botanical gardens in the world” list (published by The Guardian in 2018). Three sides of the 57ha land are surrounded by the longest river making the place most suitable for vegetation.

      The garden that includes more than 4000 plant species is the second largest botanical garden in Asia after the Bogor Botanical Garden in Indonesia.
      Distance: 6 Km

    • St. Paul’s Church
    • This beautiful neo-gothic style red-brick church dedicated to St. Pauls was built in the mid-1850s. It was once known as the Garrison Church. During a visit to Kandy in 1825, the Bishop of Calcutta, Reginald Heber, found that church services were being performed in one of the Kandyan King’s Audience Halls and identified the need for a proper church. Then the church was built next to the Temple of the Tooth Relic.
      Distance: 1 Km

    • Three Historical Temples
    • Nearby temples are Embekke, Lankathilake, and Gadaladeniya. They can be accessed by strolling among the paddy fields and through small towns, observing the locals’ way of life, or by vehicle.
      Gadaladeniya Temple
      This temple, famous for its exquisite stone carvings, was erected on a flat rock in the 14th century AD. Faded paintings from the ancient period reveal a lot about how the temple was created.
      Lankathilaka Temple
      The stately Lankathilake Temple, one of the most remarkable architectural edifices, was erected on top of a big rock overlooking a picturesque mountain range.
      Embekke Devalaya
      Embekke Devalaya was built in the 14th century AD. The wooden hall used for rituals is a distinguishing feature of this temple.
      Distance: 15 Km

    • Udawatta Kele Sanctuary
    • This magnificent reserve is a haven for nature lovers and bird watchers. It is only a short walk from Kandy’s city center. The moderate route takes you through the critical bio reserve and helps you burn off the extra calories you accumulated while on vacation.

      More than 80 bird species live in the Udawatte Kele sanctuary, including the yellow-fronted barbet, dark-fronted babbler, Layard’s parakeet, Spot-bellied eagle owl, Sri Lankan hanging parrot, Green-fronted leaf bird, native three-toed kingfisher, Black-rumped Sharma, Grey horn-bill, and Sri Lanka hill myna.
      Distance: 2 Km

    • Bahirawa Kanda Buddha Statue
    • This white statue of Buddha in the sitting posture measures 88 feet tall and is one of the largest Buddha sculptures in Sri Lanka.
      The view from the top of the hill is breathtaking and the stairs behind the Buddha statue provide visitors a higher viewpoint over the city and neighboring mountain ranges.
      Distance: 1.6 Km

    • Tea Factory and Plantation
    • Ceylon teas are influenced by the best climate conditions and supporting soil variations in Sri Lanka, giving them not only the best flavor and aroma but also a plethora of minerals and health advantages that help both the body and the mind.
      Ceylon Tea comes in a variety of tastes and variations, including Ceylon Black Tea, Ceylon Green Tea, and Ceylon White Tea, but they all come from the leaves of the same plant, Camellia sinensis.

      Almost 5% of Sri Lanka’s population works in the tea industry, plucking leaves on mountain slopes and processing tea in plantation factories.
      Tea buds must be hand-picked every seven to fourteen days and collected in tarpaulin bags, which are lighter than the usual wicker baskets.
      Distance: 15.5 Km


Accommodation (within 10km)

  • Star Classified hotels- Yes
  • International Chain Hotels- No
  • Boutique Hotels- Yes
  • Resorts- Yes
  • Ayurvedic Hotels- Yes
  • Inns/Guest Houses- Yes
  • Hostels- Yes
  • Homestays- Yes
  • Eco Hotels- Yes

* You might still find preferred accommodation in nearby cities.


Distance from

  • CMB Airport- 115km (travel time: 2hrs 45min)
  • Colombo City- 122km (travel time: 3hrs 10min)
  • Dambulla- 70km (travel time: 2hrs)
  • Plonnaruwa- 132km (travel time: 3hrs)
  • Sigiriya Rock Fortress- 90km (travel time: 2hrs 30min)
  • Anuradhapura Ancient City- 139km (travel time: 3hrs 15min)
  • Galle Dutch Fort- 221km (travel time: 4hrs 20min)

* The time and distance are only given to give you an idea. There are stopovers between the two locations. The cities listed above are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Sri Lanka.

Best Time


  • Year round

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