It is Sri Lanka’s only national park that provides the experience of a boat safari within a national park. Gal Oya National Park has an area of 25,900 hectares, with an additional 62,937hadedicated to animal conservation. One of Sri Lanka’s most remote and peaceful national parks, featuring a varied topography of lakes, reservoirs, and tropical forest. It is home to Asian elephants, sloth bears, leopards, spotted deer, water buffalo, and several bird species. The park also has rare plants used in herbal medicine.
Additional information
Nearby Attractions
The most popular nearby attraction
- Arugam Bay (80km)
Accommodation (within 10km)
- Star Classified hotels- No
- International Chain Hotels- No
- Boutique Hotels- No
- Resorts- No
- Ayurvedic Hotels- No
- Inns/Guest Houses- Yes
- Hostels- Yes
- Homestays- Yes
- Eco Hotels- Yes
* You might still find preferred accommodation in nearby cities.
Distance from (estimate)
- CMB Airport- 291km (travel time: 6hrs 20min)
- Colombo City- 300km (travel time: 6hrs 45min)
- Sigiriya Rock Fortress- 196km (travel time: 4hrs)
- Anuradhapura Ancient City- 230km (travel time: 5hrs)
- Polonnaruwa Ancient City- 128km (travel time: 3hrs)
- Kandy City- 179km (travel time: 4hrs)
- Galle Dutch Fort- 282km (travel time: 5hrs)
* The time and distance are only given to give you an idea. There are stopovers between the two locations. The cities listed above are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Sri Lanka.
Best Time
- March to July