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Wilpattuwa National Park

Wilpttu National Park is one of Sri Lanka’s oldest and most significant protected wildlife areas. It also has several significant cultural sites. The sanctuary is located inland from the ocean, with an 8-kilometer coastal boundary.

Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka’s largest wildlife sanctuary, has an area of 131,693 hectares and has elevations ranging from sea level to 152 meters.

The most conspicuous topographical feature of the national park is a unique collection of approximately 50 wetlands known as “Villu.” ‘Villu’ are shallow natural lakes filled with rainwater that are flanked by wide grassy plains in the middle of thick scrub vegetation.

A total of 31 mammal species have been identified. Leopards (Panthera pardus Kotiya) and Sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) are the most popular attractions in Wilpattu. Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus), Spotted Deer, Barking Deer, Jackals, Sambhur, Mouse Deer, Wild Boar, and Water Buffalo are among the other mammals (Bubalus bubalis). Mugger Crocodiles are top in the list of reptiles.

From November to March, it also serves as a stopover for a large number of migratory birds.


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Nearby Attractions

The most popular nearby attraction

  • Anuradhapura Ancient City Ancient City(40km)
  • One of the world’s greatest and oldest civilizations. According to written history, Anuradhapura Ancient City was the island’s first capital for nearly 1500 years, from the 5th to the 10th century BC. Buddhism was introduced to the island at the beginning of the Anuradhapura Ancient City Kingdom. After this most notable event, the king embraced Buddhism and established the order of monks in the country. It has flourished since then, until the kingdom’s fall, with temples, Buddhist monasteries, agricultural reservoirs, hospitals, and magnificently designed gardens.
    Anuradhapura Ancient City is today a live pilgrimage place for Buddhists from all over the globe, as well as a ruined city that may be explored. The Sacred City of Anuradhapura Ancient City was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.
    Distance: 41 Km


Accommodation (within 10km)

  • Star Classified hotels- Yes
  • International Chain Hotels- No
  • Boutique Hotels- Yes
  • Resorts- No
  • Ayurvedic Hotels- No
  • Inns/Guest Houses- Yes
  • Hostels- Yes
  • Homestays- Yes
  • Eco Hotels- Yes

* You might still find preferred accommodation in nearby cities.


Distance from (estimate)

  • CMB Airport- 138km (travel time: 3hrs 50min)
  • Colombo City- 167km (travel time: 4hrs 30min)
  • Sigiriya Rock Fortress- 113km (travel time: 2hrs 30min)
  • Anuradhapura Ancient City- 40km (travel time: 50min)
  • Polonnaruwa Ancient City- 141km (travel time: 3hrs)
  • Kandy City- 155km (travel time: 4hrs)
  • Galle Dutch Fort- 287km (travel time: 6hrs)

* The time and distance are only given to give you an idea. There are stopovers between the two locations. The cities listed above are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Sri Lanka.

Best Time


  • February to October

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